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5 Ways to improve Cyber Security

5 Ways to improve Cyber Security

Keeping software and systems updated with the latest patches limits their vulnerability to cyber attacks. Using the security features that come with your apps supplements other security measures you have in place.

"Anytime, anywhere" has become the mantra of today’s enterprise working classes. Employees in remote and home offices and on the road stay beneficial using applications in the cloud, collaboration tools, and personal devices tied into their corporate network.

But as IT expands to reach a far-flung workforce, it is exposed to more risks. Cyber Security Many companies have implemented enhanced security across their networks to help protect data. But even with stepped-up measures, there are some easy ways you and your staff can help safeguard your IT environment. Here are five suggestions.

1. Enforce password rules

Strong passwords are one of the first steps of defense against breaches and changing them occasionally may help keep hackers out. But most people will not voluntarily update their passwords, even when prompted. Make regular password updates mandatory and teach them how to create and remember strong passwords.

2. Update regularly

Any connection to the Internet is unsafe, and it’s a key feature hackers try to exploit. Always keep every connection, operating system, and application up to date with patches and enhancements. Implementing software and system Cyber Security updates promptly limits possible exposure to vulnerabilities.

3. Implement VPNs for all connections

Implement VPNs for all connections

Networks that are protected only by generic security methods are more vulnerable to attack. Implement VPN connections between office area and make their use easy—and mandatory—for mobile workers who may connect through public Wi-Fi services.

4. Retire all unused services

When limited-duration products expire, decommission the applications, logins, and user credentials linked with them. In cases when you don’t use all available feature of a UC deployment, such as a video chat function, turn it off to further control unauthorized access to the enterprise.

5. Leverage existing security options

Some applications come with their own security features. While it’s still very important to implement additional safeguards, sellers know their own products and typically devote significant resources to deliver a safe area for customers. Find out what security measures are included with your software and use them to the fullest extent in conjunction with other security you having.

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